My True, forever Friend

I found a true, forever friend
the day that I found You,
And Lord, I can't give thanks enough
for all the things You do.

you shower me with blessings,
not a day am I without...
the things I am in need of;
there's no reason I should doubt.

When days are dark and dreary,
and my spirits are brought low,
You give words of peace and comfort
to my body, mind, and soul.

when I stumble by the wayside;
when I've surely lost my way,
Lovingly, You take my hand,
that I shall not be led astray.

Through trials and tribulations,
when my faith is growing weak,
You renew my hope and courage,
for it's Your strength that I seek.

Art work By Diane K.

When dangers lurk about me,
as the enemy draws near,
Safety in Your arms awaits me,
there dispelling dread and fear.

Blessed am I, tho' so unworthy,
to have found a friend so true.

Greater love could no man offer;
no one cares for me like You.

     .....Diana sue Helmer

Art done by Diane K.

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